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Entries in baroque sunglasses (1)


Classically Chic Collage


Classically Chic




Back in May, I took a photo of a girl with great style that I found walking around SoHo. I titled her look 'Classically Chic.' (Click HERE to see her photo again.) Above is a breakdown of all the different pieces of her look. I found them on Polyvore and put together a collage for you using my account. Although I'm not sure exactly what the brand of all her clothes were I found some really great options that are as close as you can get.


  1. - Chalayan Blouse
  2. - 3.1 Phillip Lim Pants
  3. - Barney's Co-Op Sandal
  4. - Baroque Sunglasses (similar to Prada)
  5. - Hermes Birkin Bag


Click on any of the items above to shop them for yourself. In the future when I take photos for Street Shots I will do at least one of these collages per week so that you can duplicate the chosen look for yourself.