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Entries in design (2)



This article is long overdue, as I have been a big supporter of SERGIO + JAMES for quite a while now... A blend of the designers' names, Sergio Wonder and James Field, SERGIO + JAMES is an up and coming fashion line that is dedicated to superior craftsmanship and high quality. This label is the "brainchild" of the two designers, who had a chance meeting back in 2010 and haven't looked back since.


In my opinion, these two young men have come up with some very creative ideas, and have successfully and strategically marketed their designs to both men and women through their impeccable website. [The introduction to which is a video highlighting all of their signature jewelry and accessory pieces.] Currently consisting of bracelets, brooches, belt loops and necklaces, the distinct look of SERGIO + JAMES is hard to miss. And most pieces are available in black, red and natural colors. "Hand sanded, hand painted and hand glossed," describes most of the line and the wooden 'Jo' pendant that is a motif seen throughout the collection. It even appears in the design of their logo. By visiting their website, you can also access SERGIO + JAMES' online shop. Here, all of the pieces are available to purchase at prices affordable for 'real people.'


I highly recommend paying close attention to this duo, as they are sure to continue rising through the industry ranks. Although, keeping track of them shouldn't be too hard, as you can always catch up with them via their YouTube channel where they regularly upload video updates.


Be a Square

Have you heard of Square yet? It is a free piece of technology that reads credit cards. It can be attached to an iPhone, iPad, iTouch or an Android phone, and it runs credit cards wherever you are. I'm sure that Square readers will be all over the place very soon. In fact, it is completely free to get one. You can sign up to receive your own Square directly on the Square website. And then all you have to do is download a free app to go along with it on your phone/iPad and you are ready to go.


What's really interesting about this card reader is that it gives individuals more opportunity to accept and earn money on the go. Think babysitters, artists, musicians on tour, clothing retailers, fashion designers, food cart owners and the like will all be able to easily and quickly be paid via credit card through their phone. The device itself is just a small, plastic square that plugs into your phone or iPad -- it's that simple. The design is clean and chic and unassuming. But what is even more interesting is that the designers asked fashion designer Vivienne Tam to design a limited edition Square all her own. The black and red patterned design stands for "double happiness" and is available to buy through her website. You can also stay current with all of Square's interesting updates via their twitter.


 Since style and design are obviously important to the company, I wonder who will be designing the next limited edition version? I even wonder if, at some point, users will be able to design their own Square readers? They have done such a good job at keeping the process uncomplicated, that I bet designing other versions would be easy to do. Until then, be on the lookout for this tiny new wonder. I can't wait to see what all they will be used for, and what the next generation of readers will look like.