Mailing List
Located in the right hand corner of the site is a place for you to sign up for my mailing list. Once you sign up, you will be sent an email every time I post something new to the site. This way I can keep in touch with you and you can stay up to date with all the exciting things going on at
Signing up is really easy! Just type your email in the box, hit 'subscribe' and click the link that is sent to your email to confirm! I'm extremely excited about this new feature as it will be a great way to keep in contact with all of my readers. And don't worry -- I promise not to send you any unnecessary junk! (Spam mail is one of my least favorite things...)
So join the list today and be sure to let me know if you run into any problems. If you do, please comment below and I will help you out right away.
All the best,