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Entries in new page (2)



I drew this sketch today to mark the first day that I was able to scan and upload my artwork to my amandavogt.com. Now on the 'artwork' page you will be able to find and view my personal sketches, doodles and illustrations along with my personal photos. This is just a small taste of what's to come! I'm so excited to share my work with you all.






Well, I have finally added on the last section of my website, entitled 'inspiration.' Here I will post photos, art and collages of different images and items that I find to be personally inspiring or creative to me. Basically, I will use images I find in books, magazines, the internet, etc. to share with you. Everyone needs a little inspiration, and so I decided to create this new page to visually display my own inspirations and muses. To the right is just one example of a collage from a notebook of mine that inspires me. Images were taken from fashion magazines I had lying around. Enjoy!