Mags Galore
I have bought a whole new stock of magazines over the last couple of weeks. Browsing magazines is one of my favorite past times and recently I just haven't been able to pass them up! Everything from V Magazine to Bazaar to a random Italian-based magazine that comes out once a year - I've snatched them all up! I will be posting some of my favorite spreads on here within the next day or so to share what I think are the most interesting shoots/clothes from the pile. There may even be a sketch or two to go with - So get excited.
On another note, by now the new website design is up and running so I hope that you have all had a chance to look around and enjoy it. I wanted to go with this more streamlined approach and I think that we really nailed it. I worked with website developer and graphic designer Morris Allison. He was a great help and I think he did an exceptional job. So feel free to give any feedback you have, and be sure to check out his site, MotorWave Designs, for all of your own design needs.
Until next time,