Videos galore
Below is an example of a high quality 'behind the scenes' video of a July 2010 Terry Richardson shoot for W Magazine. W Magazine has made some really interesting advances in the way they connect with their audience via their website. Not only do they have written content, blogs and loads of photos, they also have many high quality videos. Some of the videos posted on the site are actually directed specifically for the site, while others are behind the scenes shots of photo shoots and screen tests. They have quite the archive going, with different categories consisting of fashion, art, runway and celebrities. The videos are free on W's website so that anyone can access them.
The behind the scenes videos on W's website are very well put together, often layered with music and text. I like the different aspect that the videos give to photo shoots. And after seeing the fashion spreads in the magazine for myself, I really appreciate seeing the video that was filmed along with them. I think it's an interesting idea that W pulls off so well. The other videos that are directed give another angle of perspective. These videos add an element of, and appreciation for, art that would otherwise not come across in their print magazine alone. Here is an example of one of these directed films, shot by well-known artist Alex Prager. It is currently featured on the home page of W's website.
I think that other magazines could take a cue from W and come up with related video content like they do. This is yet another way that magazines can utilize the internet while also giving their readers more in-depth content. It's a seamless way to connect print with digital and take readers along for the ride. Plus, these videos entice readers because they are free and because they give readers the feeling of being "insiders." By creating this new channel of consumption, W Magazine has really stepped ahead of other fashionable competitors.