The young and the creative.
Cecilia CassiniI came across this article on's fashion news feed. It's from the UK's The Independent and it discusses the way in which younger people are breaking into the fashion world. Not young models, but young designers, bloggers and the like. It starts out by describing a young fashion designer named Cecilia Cassini. I have read about her and her successes in the past, but this article was different in the fact that it talked about the entire trend of younger people becoming not only involved in fashion, but becoming leaders in the fashion world and industry. It gave more examples of other young people who had been successful too. Not only designers but bloggers and bloggers turned designers and stylists.
I found the article fascinating. And while I had heard of most of the people being discussed, I hadn't thought of how much of an impact they have begun to have on the industry. The power of the internet and other social web sites and media has helped to make their success possible in a way that might never have been imagined before. By sharing their thoughts via the web and connecting with other young people, they have made themselves very successful. And they've also made a name for themselves. Not only is this interesting, but it is inspiring. I mean, who wouldn't love to have the imagination of children and teens to help guide them?
I encourage you to read the article for yourself and perhaps look up the people that it spotlights. Even though not all of the children will be in the industry for the rest of their careers, I still think of this growth and boom of young creativity as a rising trend. And I'm not surprised at all that children have been able to make such a lasting impression on a world that values the new and next best, creative thing.

Reader Comments (1)
I have been amazed as well by how the internet has allowed creative and enterprising young people to achieve great success that would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. This is happening not only in the fashion industry but in other fields as well. There are young people who have online businesses, websites, or YouTube channels that are hugely successful. I think the best example is Mark Zuckerberg, the young man responsible for Facebook.
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